Н. В. Гоголь, "Иван Федорович Шпонька и его тетушка", Собрание сочинений, том первый, Художесвенная литература, Москва, 1976, стр. 184
You ought to know, dear sir, that I'm in the habit of stopping up my ears at night, ever since that damned incident at a Russian inn when a cockroach crawled into my left ear. Damned goat-beard Russians, as I later discovered, they even eat cabbage soup with cockroaches in it. It defies description what happened to me: it kept tickling and tickling away in my ear ... well, I was on the point of banging my head against the wall! It was a simple old woman from around our way that helped me in the end. And how do you think she did it? Simply by whispering.
(1) кацап, укр. прозвище великорусов (Гоголь и др.). С приставкой ка- от укр. цап "козел" : бритому украинцу бородатый пусский казался козлом. (Max Vasmer, Russisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch, Heidelberg, 1950-1958. Макс Фасмер, Этимологический словарь русского языка, Перевод с немецкого и дополнения члена-корреспондента РАН О. Н. Трубачева, Том II (Е-Муж), Издательство Азбука, Санкт-Петербург, 1996, стр. 213.)
Cf. H. Tiktin, Rumänisch-deutsches Wörterbuch, vol. 3, Staatsdruckerei, Bucharest, 1925, p. 1557: țap sm. 1. (Ziegen-, auch Gems-) Bock m. Barba ... foarte pe jos pe supt bărbie ca de țap (Gaster, Crestomatie romînă) (...) Fam. scherzh. verträumt: ca un țap logodit vertraümt: Ce te uiți așa la mine ca un țap logodit? Poate-i fi amorezat (Sadoveanu). (...) - 2. Spottname a) für Griechen, wegen ihrer Gesischtzüge. Ho, țapule, că mai sînt și eu pe-aici (Alecsandri). (...) - b) für Geistliche u. Mönche, wohl wegen ihrer Bärte. Sînt vr'o zece mii de țapi cu călugărițe cu tot în țară (Jipescu). (...) Et. Vgl. alb. skjap, ts(j)ap, tskjap. Nslov. serb. poln. cap, czech. magy. cáp stammen aus dem Rum.
You ought to know, dear sir, that I'm in the habit of stopping up my ears at night, ever since that damned incident at a Russian inn when a cockroach crawled into my left ear. Damned goat-beard Russians, as I later discovered, they even eat cabbage soup with cockroaches in it. It defies description what happened to me: it kept tickling and tickling away in my ear ... well, I was on the point of banging my head against the wall! It was a simple old woman from around our way that helped me in the end. And how do you think she did it? Simply by whispering.
N. V. Gogol, "Ivan Fyodorovich Shpon'ka and His Aunt"
Cf. H. Tiktin, Rumänisch-deutsches Wörterbuch, vol. 3, Staatsdruckerei, Bucharest, 1925, p. 1557: țap sm. 1. (Ziegen-, auch Gems-) Bock m. Barba ... foarte pe jos pe supt bărbie ca de țap (Gaster, Crestomatie romînă) (...) Fam. scherzh. verträumt: ca un țap logodit vertraümt: Ce te uiți așa la mine ca un țap logodit? Poate-i fi amorezat (Sadoveanu). (...) - 2. Spottname a) für Griechen, wegen ihrer Gesischtzüge. Ho, țapule, că mai sînt și eu pe-aici (Alecsandri). (...) - b) für Geistliche u. Mönche, wohl wegen ihrer Bärte. Sînt vr'o zece mii de țapi cu călugărițe cu tot în țară (Jipescu). (...) Et. Vgl. alb. skjap, ts(j)ap, tskjap. Nslov. serb. poln. cap, czech. magy. cáp stammen aus dem Rum.
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