30 December 2024
Thompson from Sunderland
28 August 2024
A place for studious minds (2)
27 August 2024
A place for studious minds
Whatever apologies it might become me to make at any other time for writing to you, I shall use none now, to a man who has owned himself as splenetic as a cat in the country (*). In that circumstance, I know by experience, a letter is a very useful, as well as amusing thing; if you are too busied in state affairs to read it, yet you may find entertainment in folding it into divers figures, either doubling it into a pyramidical, or twisting it into a serpentine form (†): or, if your disposition should not be so mathematical, in taking it with you to that place where men of studious minds are apt to sit longer than ordinary; where, after an abrupt division of the paper, it may not be unpleasant to try to fit and rejoin the broken lines together. All these amusements I am no stranger to in the country, and doubt not but (by this time) you begin to relish them, in your present contemplative situation.
Alexander Pope to Jonathan Swift, 18 June 1714
(*) Disgusted at public life in general and the failure of his attempts to reconcile Harley and Bolinbroke in particular, Dr. Swift had left London, retiring to the country house of his friend, the Reverend Gery, at Upper Letcombe in Berkshire, at which place Pope's letter was addressed to him.
(†) In the Dublin edition of the Pope and Swift correspondence the phrase 'to light a pipe' occurs in inverted commas after 'a serpentine form', but Pope omits it in the quarto of 1741.
20 July 2024
Une promenade avec monsieur de Balzac
08 July 2024
cœnæsthesis (2)
28 June 2024
Cœnæsthesis (1)
03 June 2024
Possible worlds
15 March 2024
Télévision au XVIIe siècle : un monde rempli d'horreurs
10 March 2024
On Obscurity
07 March 2024
Une certaine espèce de petits vers
Although you have visited our Port (Amsterdam) I know not whether you have noted the ill condition, our ships are in, that return from the Indies. There is in those Seas a kind of small worms, that fasten themselves to the Timber of the ships, and so pierce them, that they take water every where; or if they do not altogether pierce them thorow, they so weaken the wood, that it is almost impossible to repair them.
26 February 2024
Parasitic worlds within worlds (2)
Parasitic worlds within worlds (1)
Sollte nicht eine Naturmythologie möglich sein? — Mythologie hier in meinem Sinn, als freie poetische Erfindung, die die Wirklichkeit sehr mannigfach symbolisiert.
Genialische, edle, divinatorische, wundertätige, kluge, dumme usw. Pflanzen, Tiere, Steine, Elemente usw. — Unendliche Invididualität dieser Wesen, — ihr musikalischer und Individualsinn — ihr Charakter — ihre Neigungen usw. Es sind vergangene geschichtliche Wesen.
Wir leben eigentlich in einem Tiere als parasitische Tiere. Die Konstitution dieses Tiers bestimmt die unsrige, et vice versa. Die Bedingungsverhältniße der atmosphärischen Bestandteile sind vielleicht sehr mit den Bedingungverhältnißen derselben Bestandteile im organischen Körper übereinstimmend.
— Novalis
Why should a nature mythology not be possible? — I here take mythology to mean free poetic invention, which symbolises reality in a highly multifarious way.
Ingenious, noble, divinatory, miraculous, stupid etc. Plants, animals, stones, elements etc. — endless individuality of such beings — their musical and individual meaning — their character — their tendencies etc. They are past historical beings.
In actual fact we live as parasitic animals within another animal. This animal's constitution determines ours, and vice versa. The interdependent relations between the constitutive parts of the atmosphere are perhaps highly congruent with the interdependent relations of the same constitutive parts in the organic body.