Dialogue on the Threshold


05 January 2022

Jiří Šalamoun's Tristram Shandy (4)

The corporal put his hat under his left arm, and with his stick hanging upon the wrist of it, by a black thong split into a tassel about the knot, he marched up to the ground where he had performed his catechism; then touching his under jaw with the thumb and fingers of his right hand before he opened his mouth,—he delivered his notion thus.
Vol. V, Chap. XXXVIII
koule - sphere; krychle - cube

Tristam, said, he, shall be made to conjugate every word in the dictionary, backwards and forwards the same way;——every word, Yorick, by this means, you see, is converted into a thesis [téze] or an hypothesis [hypotéza];——every thesis and hypothesis have an offspring of propositions;—and each proposition [propozice] has its own consequences [důsledek] and conclusions [záver]; every one of which leads the mind on again, into fresh tracks of enquiries and doubtings [pochybnosti].

Vol. VI, Chap. II

in no one moment of my existence, that I remember, have ye once deserted me, or tinged the objects which came in my way, either with sable, or with a sickly green; in dangers ye gilded my horizons with hope, and when DEATH himself knocked at my door—ye bad him come again; and in so gay a tone of careless indifference, did ye do it, that he doubted of his commission

There must certainly be some mistake in this matter,” quoth he.

Vol. VII, Chap. I 


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